What if the Nestorian Monks that brough Silk to Justinian, also brought more of or all of the 4 great inventions of China?.

If they are gonna bring only just one more invention, let it be gunpowder and if not, then all of them.

Gunpowder particlarly interests me cuz it could solve some of the draw backs of Greek fire as Greek fire as used in ships and flame throwers is quite complex and labourous to use and as used in grenades/pots is quite dangerous. scratch that, it is quite dangerous in all cases.

This difficulty and danger is why Greek fire could really only be used to defend the capital and other fortified positions and not used offensively, how would Gunpowder change that calculus?.
If they are gonna bring only just one more invention, let it be gunpowder and if not, then all of them.

Gunpowder particlarly interests me cuz it could solve some of the draw backs of Greek fire as Greek fire as used in ships and flame throwers is quite complex and labourous to use and as used in grenades/pots is quite dangerous. scratch that, it is quite dangerous in all cases.

This difficulty and danger is why Greek fire could really only be used to defend the capital and other fortified positions and not used offensively, how would Gunpowder change that calculus?.

It wouldn't happen - possibly, gunpowder hadn't even been invented yet then - its first confirmed reference in Chinese texts is from the 9th century. While there are some earlier texts that might contain references to gunpowder, the fact is that after it was discovered, it was used only for medicinal purposes, and it wasn't until the 10th century or so that people began applying that to military use.
Gunpowder particlarly interests me cuz it could solve some of the draw backs of Greek fire as Greek fire as used in ships and flame throwers is quite complex and labourous to use and as used in grenades/pots is quite dangerous. scratch that, it is quite dangerous in all cases
Both didn't exist yet
How about paper, pig iron, and paper being brought along by the Nestorian Byzantine monks on the 589 mission to China? That would create some pretty interesting side effects.
Paper would not last too long, Egypt still belongs in the ERE fold, thus Papyrus will hang around and keep paper makers down and out.
Paper would not last too long, Egypt still belongs in the ERE fold, thus Papyrus will hang around and keep paper makers down and out.
Isn't paper easier to create than papyrus?. I'ld assume that it'll replace papayrus especially after the Muslim conquest, for its greater efficiency.
How about paper, pig iron, and paper being brought along by the Nestorian Byzantine monks on the 589 mission to China? That would create some pretty interesting side effects.
You knwo Chinese Iron making is quite great as it creates iron in mass and in a quality that can be easily later reduced to steel over something as basic as an open furnance. This probably played a part in the success of the mongols as well. You know, the Rus gaining such from the Romans might have an even greater effect on history.
You knwo Chinese Iron making is quite great as it creates iron in mass and in a quality that can be easily later reduced to steel over something as basic as an open furnance. This probably played a part in the success of the mongols as well. You know, the Rus gaining such from the Romans might have an even greater effect on history