Red Alert - Our 1953 USSR

So chat, something to consider going forward the ''Dnipro clan'' for those unaware these unaware that's a circle of politicians and government figures based around Dnipropetrovsk that had access to top Soviet decision making levels and senior officers via Brezhnev and Khrushchev to a lesser extent leading a special relationship with the soviet centre.

The Soviet communist party is well a party one must willing and able to forge coalitions with elements with it even if we are going the Bonapartist Zhukov route.

By the way chat, an up and coming will the 1954 Geneva Conference concerning Korea and Indochina.
So guys I just looked up zhukov turns out he’s antistalinist after the purges he’s done due to him thinking it’s wasted potential on worthy recruits he’s also modest and actually a good person to talk to give he’s friend with the president of the usa family and himself and he’s a general the likes of the greatest conqueror ever so he’s Alexander the Great tier and also the usa president version of their general becoming a president
Its funny to imagine him and Eike as presidents.
A) Georgy Malenkov
B) Vyacheslav Molotov
C) Kliment Voroshilov
Old school conservative communists, the only reason to pick one of them is to slide back in time. Plus they supported Stalin 's policies. Useless lot
D) Nikita Khrushchev
God no. While not the worst choice, still not a great leader. Plus on a personal note: he cancelled heavy tanks. The fucker 😉
E) Nikolai Bulganin
Maybe. He's strengths were not in the military space where he served, he did well in Finance however.
F) Lazar Kaganovich
Same problem as A, B and C
G) Anastas Mikoyan
My pick. Seems to be more of a Tony Stark pick, but I like it.
H) Gregory Zhukov
Didn't want it, plus being a decent general - I prefer others - doesn't make you a great statesman.

However, regardless of who we pick, we need to go to a better economic model, where we reward effort yet leave no one behind. Neither the US nor the USSR ever had such a system. So perhaps a Scandinavian or post Unificiation German Socialist state like structure. And fucking shoot Lysenko
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If there's one thing I want us to do is fully support OGAS and the electronic industry.
We do need to mass invest into eletronics, but wasn't OGAS meant to control a planned economy?

Our framework is to descentralize and implement market reforms in to the USSR, a mix of Iugoslavia and China. I don't think the OGAS program is suited for it.
Please choose the next leader of USSR:
A) Georgy Malenkov
B) Vyacheslav Molotov
C) Kliment Voroshilov
D) Nikita Khrushchev
E) Nikolai Bulganin
F) Lazar Kaganovich
G) Anastas Mikoyan
H) Gregory Zhukov

* Beria is locked out by me, as his choice most likely would end the Cold War quickly, killing the sense of this game.
Not sure he will be giving a warm welcome considering he is military and not q political creature. Would not surprise me if the party either tried to curtail his power or party members used him to gain further influence once the purges start.
We do need to mass invest into eletronics, but wasn't OGAS meant to control a planned economy?

Our framework is to descentralize and implement market reforms in to the USSR, a mix of Iugoslavia and China. I don't think the OGAS program is suited for it.
Yeah it also let’s us control the global market economy when we get more connected
Not sure he will be giving a warm welcome considering he is military and not q political creature. Would not surprise me if the party either tried to curtail his power or party members used him to gain further influence once the purges start.
Bulganin or Malenkov will be the likely winners of that. Both of them have the political experience to work around/with Zhukov and his relative political inexperience to the other options.

I do think we can move the country in a good direction with our choices though, maybe bring along some Special Economic Zones to help modernize the Union.
Oh guys we should also focus on reviving torn down cultures even our original Russian culture where everyone clothed themselves as feudal peasents