Recent content by Carl Schwamberger

  1. What if Germany found out that the First United States Army Group (FUSAG)was fake

    1. The Germans did move key units to the Calvados & Cotientin coasts during April and May. The Allies detected most of them and adjusted the attack plan. Rommel in late March learned some of his assumptions about the suitability of the beaches along the Bai du Seine were off. He and his...
  2. Freak chance--battleship sunk by bombers om the open sea--in 1917

    The photo is from 1945, of a Kamikaze strike. Anyone want to guess the aircraft model?
  3. Freak chance--battleship sunk by bombers om the open sea--in 1917

    Rigging a 30cm AP round, and a bombsight accurate enough to get a hit from 5,000 feet is going to be quite a trick. Assuming you pull it off, then you are reproducing what the Japanese used against the US fleet @ PH. Long odds indeed for 1918
  4. The Germans build carriers, instead of battleships, prior to WW2

    Anyone recommend any books or other sources on the German air torpedo development?
  5. No Nazism and no WWII in Europe - What does the Pacific War looks like?

    Major Powers with economic interests in China British Empire. French Empire United States USSR Secondary Powers with economic interests in China (probably forgot a couple here, but the reader should get the idea) Italy Portugal Germany Netherlands Any one of the major powers might be...
  6. No Nazism and no WWII in Europe - What does the Pacific War looks like?

    Depends in part on how disruptive to the 'China Trade' Japanese occupation is. Into the early 20th Century China was the principle Asian trading bloc of the US. The collapse of the Imperial government, the failure of the Republic, the Warlord era, the civil war as the KMT sought to take...
  7. Patton infamous quote

    Ive seen a few that approached this. None went far. Part of it was Patton was a typical WASP of that era. He did favor democracy and the American way as far as it applied to the right people and they were in charge. Like my uncle Edwin a contemporary of Patton, democracy was just fine...
  8. The Germans build carriers, instead of battleships, prior to WW2

    The other half of that is the relevant admirals dismissing the signals intel warning of the German ships sortie. Its possible that will happen with a carrier shipping out with the ugly sisters.
  9. WI Historically Islam slows in Palestine / 1947: Palestinians are 65% Christian

    Ahem. Addressing the OP question. I am assuming The increased Christian population occurs relatively recently, partially as a product of the Ottoman Milet system. In simple terms yes. There are many nuances, but the bottom line the 'native' Palestinian population including many more...
  10. What if Japan attacks the USSR in 1941? What about the British factor?

    Yepper. If Japan attacks prematurity it is a bad move for the Axis. If someone tried that on a WWII game board the players might be calling the game very early and move on.
  11. What if Japan attacks the USSR in 1941? What about the British factor?

    Im not the expert on Japanese capabilities here, but making the Maritime provinces the primary goal for 1941 looks like the smart money. Maybe select points in the Far Eastern provinces is a doable secondary goal. Major offensive all along the Far Eastern region is simply not practical.
  12. What if Japan attacks the USSR in 1941? What about the British factor?

    One of the core questions here is: When does Britain determine to actually go to war with Japan? There are several underlying questions for this. 1. Has Japan decided not to occupy French Indo China. If not then we can waive away the embargo of 1941 & the related tension between Japan, the...
  13. What if Japan attacks the USSR in 1941? What about the British factor?

    I turn off the auto correct when I can figure out how. Wastes a lot of time with non English words, archaic spellings, and abreviations and acronyms. I spend more time proof reading with auto correct than without it.
  14. What if Japan attacks the USSR in 1941? What about the British factor?

    They could, but its unlikely. IJN doctrine eschewed the scale of NGF support of land operations the Allied engaged in 1943-45. For everyone the damage NGF vs land targets was overestimated pre war & it took some experience to get to the useful formula. "Generous" in Japanese therms of...
  15. Hoover bails out the Banks stopping Great Depression

    But it was a common attitude back then.