Recent content by Dalek Ix

  1. Sequel de Mayo (Cinco de Mayo, Vol. II)

    I distinctly remember confederate soldiers working as mercenaries for the belgians in africa.
  2. Sequel de Mayo (Cinco de Mayo, Vol. II)

    Perhaps some ancestor to the IRL FX-05 Xiuhcoatl?
  3. Sequel de Mayo (Cinco de Mayo, Vol. II)

    Featuring a certain Magnificent Bastard (he wrote a book!)?
  4. Sequel de Mayo (Cinco de Mayo, Vol. II)

    -Edward Grey, 1st Viscount Grey of Fallodon It has begun.
  5. Sequel de Mayo (Cinco de Mayo, Vol. II)

    Maximilian von Spee (and Karl von Müller on the Emden) might have a few things to say about that.
  6. Sequel de Mayo (Cinco de Mayo, Vol. II)

    Descanse en paz, Padre de mi Patria. Maximilian started this journey and, just as with his Mexican Empire, the timeline must go on without him now. The one silver lining I can find is that he didn't live to see Austria implode.
  7. Sequel de Mayo (Cinco de Mayo, Vol. II)

    It's already hard to find someone who doesn't despise Stephane Clement and all his family, and it's only gonna get harder from here on out; if they manage to survive it'll only be due to the intervention of the devil himself, and only because he's got worse in mind. I get the feeling that...
  8. Bush vs. The Axis of Evil - TL

    And I thought Spoony's mental health couldn't get worse.
  9. Miscellaneous >1900 (Alternate) History Thread

    El Condor Rojo is built on two ideas: First is the irony that Pinochet can do almost everything he is infamous for in OTL, and the same people who curse him as a traitorous fascist dictator in OTL would praise him ITTL as a heroic defender of The Revolution who rightfully cleansed his country...
  10. Miscellaneous >1900 (Alternate) History Thread

    El Condor Rojo Or: Pinochet sides with Allende, and everything still goes to straight to hell because he's not stopped being  Pinochet.
  11. Bush vs. The Axis of Evil - TL

    Note that Bush is leaning more on Colin Powell than on Dick "Murdered a dude" Cheyney and Rumsfeld. How much that improves the administration's ability to not fuck things up, on the other hand...
  12. REDUX: Place In The Sun: What If Italy Joined The Central Powers?

    The example almost everyone picks are the Italian frogmen, who terrorized the AH navy.
  13. Sequel de Mayo (Cinco de Mayo, Vol. II)

    I see even more Advanced Czechnology in the future. One amusing possibility I can see going forward is Vienna still naming a plaza after Mexico if the Mexican Hapsburgs come to the rescue during the following crisis.
  14. Sequel de Mayo (Cinco de Mayo, Vol. II)

    Hopefully he becomes a perfectly normal minister of education and philosopher, who doesn't get inspired by Confederate rhetoric that they lost the war because of "the traitorous, cowardly Mexican mongrel" into pulling a racial Uno reverse card on them.
  15. Sequel de Mayo (Cinco de Mayo, Vol. II)

    I do wonder what Jose Vasconcelos will be getting up to in this timeline...