Recent content by TudorQueen

  1. India Conquers Israel

    Actually closing this thread out. I didn't make it clear and it seems to be an ASB according to most people, or lacking in probability.
  2. Dido Elizabeth Belle Is Never Born

    So for those who are not familiar with the story, Dido Elizabeth Belle was the daughter of an African slave and a British army officer. Rather than have his daughter be raised as a slave, her father, John Lindsay, brought her to England to live and stay with her great uncle, William Murray, who...
  3. Walt Disney Never Makes Snow White

    In 1937, Snow White and The Seven Dwarves was released by Walt Disney. The film received much critical acclaim, and is credited with starting the Walt Disney Company and allowing for many more films and creations from Walt. I know this may be a sad thing to ask, but what if Snow White had...
  4. Henry the VIII Jousting Accident

    In 1536, Henry the VIII suffered a major injury to his leg in a jousting accident. Some historians have supposed that the reason for Henry’s erratic behavior and subsequent beheading of Anne Boleyn may have been due to some head trauma he suffered during the jousting match, in addition to the...
  5. Henry the II Jousting Accident

    In 1559, Henry the II of France was involved in a horrible jousting accident which claimed his life due to his physicians not being able to cure the infection which ensued. Imagine that Henry the II had survived the injury and the infection, or even if the accident had never occurred at all...
  6. The Aztecs Kill Cortes

    Which is okay. Sorry for the trouble.
  7. The Aztecs Kill Cortes

    I'm not a troll i am brand new. Maybe i am overexcited, but I am a real person. Please bear with me while I learn the ropes. I just got approved this morning. And please don't be mean to me.
  8. Hildegard Von Bingen Marries

    Lol okay sorry about that.
  9. Hawaii Remains Its Own Independent Kingdom

    What if Hawaii had remained its own kingdom rather than being annexed by the United States? How would things have changed?
  10. Hildegard Von Bingen Marries

    What if Hildegard Von Bingen had been married to a noble rather than made an anchorite? How would this have changed religion?
  11. The Moors Depose King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella

    What if the Moors had pushed back and defeated and deposed King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain? How would things have changed?
  12. Henry the VIII dies while married to Catherine Howard

    During Henry the VIII's marriage to Catherine Howard, he experiences great pain from his ulcer. In fear for their lives, the physicians decide not to bleed the King, and the result is that Henry the VIII dies of blood poisoning within a few days. With Catherine Howard still on the throne, how...
  13. Seventh Wife of Henry the VIII

    Some historians have wondered if Henry the VIII had been seriously considering taking an seventh wife while married to Catherine Parr. Most people seem to think he was considering the widow of his friend, Charles Brandon, who was Catherine Willoughby. If Henry had had Catherine removed and...
  14. Queen Mary Boleyn

    What if Henry the VIII had married Mary Boleyn rather than Anne?
  15. Queen Bessie Blount

    What if Bessie Blount had been made Queen of England after giving birth to Henry Fitzroy, rather than Anne Boleyn? How does history change? What type of queen would Bessie have been?