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  1. Would the Hunger Plan have worked like the Reich expected?

    Also, wasn't that done by a willing population?
  2. Would the allies appease to a communist Germany?

    OP seems to imply some form of Soviet Russia will, but just because two nations are communist, they might not be allies.
  3. What if Germany found out that the First United States Army Group (FUSAG)was fake

    'Knowing' Normandy is the landing area is a way bigger deal then anything about FUSAG. Sort of burying the lede there.
  4. Would the allies appease to a communist Germany?

    Hard to say right? That's 20 years of totally different geopolitics. Would a 'Red Germany' be as paranoid as the USSR? Would it be the same pariah type state? Hard to imagine simply due to geography, but conversely Communism was a VERY scary thing. While I would love to see a world where the...
  5. Effect on rest of WW2 of a failed Sealion

    The material losses (and then bureaucratic infighting) will probably claim more then any boost in production might be. Remember, much of the losses will be barges and stuff that is valuable to the economy. From wiki- "Given barely two months to assemble a large seagoing invasion fleet, the...
  6. Effect on rest of WW2 of a failed Sealion

    Another aspect would be the morale angle. It is easy for us to forget from our distant vantage, but to the Allies, the Nazis of 1940 seemed like unstoppable gods of war. The aura of invincibility was very strong. Having them lose such an operation would seriously dent that, and give the UK a...
  7. Would the Hunger Plan have worked like the Reich expected?

    Man, someone should tell the folks in the various concentration and death camps how good treatment was. This could be big.
  8. 1528 Welsers Klein-Venedig California gold rush

    The maritime fur trade on the pacific coast (generally run by the British and Russians, in 'cooperation' with the locals who were often enslaved as workers) ran roughly from the 17770's- 1850's viewed China as the market. That market didn't exist yet in the time period stated so the fur trade...
  9. Alabama Claims and the Confederacy

    Grant is President despite being part of the losing Army?
  10. Would the Hunger Plan have worked like the Reich expected?

    I'm a little confused. The plan was enacted in OTL and then broke down to to logistical concerns. From wiki- 'By the end of 1941, plans to starve the entire civilian population of some areas had been abandoned, due to the failure of the German military campaign[1] and the impossibility of...
  11. WHAT IF : US-USSR Joint Invasion of the Empire of Japan Between 1941-1944 ? (Maybe with the help of KMT in China?)

    The USSR was slightly busy at the time with the whole 'being invaded and occupied by a genocidal German regime' , thing.
  12. A KMT insurgency large enough for Project National Glory

    The main issue is, Taiwan is not a very big place while China really is. Taiwan, even with the best support in the world is never going to conquer China unless a global colaltion directly intercedes.
  13. 1528 Welsers Klein-Venedig California gold rush

    Thank you, a simple typo.
  14. 1528 Welsers Klein-Venedig California gold rush

    The treasure fleets (which didn't start until 1656, after your POD) did come quite close to California. According to Wikipedia they sailed close to the shore but often didn't land, due to the waters being foggy and uncharted. You are talking about building a colony though, which is orders of...
  15. British politics in a TL in which Hitler is assassinated in 1943

    I mean, wouldn't the main British pollical concern be the fact that Europe is now, probably, under Soviet domination? It isn't like Stalin is just going to stop the Red Army because the West sold him out.
  16. 1528 Welsers Klein-Venedig California gold rush

    California is a heck of a lot further away.
  17. AHC: Make the world stagnate in the Middle Ages

    All of those regions had huge changes over the period.
  18. what if Pro Wrestling is real

    Wouldn't most wrestling cause massive injuries and/or death? I think most OTL history and 'moves' would be tossed right out in an actual bloodsport.
  19. AHC: better behaved Red Army

    I don't think the Red Army's horrific track record was due to their communist ideology. Not in the way being suggested here.
  20. Earning the vote through National Service of some type.

    I think the big issue here is that everyone is viewing the franchise as a carrot (or stick) the state wields to get stuff. That isn't how it works. The franchise is never given to any group unless those people agitate and fight for it (and often, not even then). There isn't going to be some...