Blue Skies in Camelot (Continued): An Alternate 80s and Beyond

Then who do you think would be a good running mate for Jesse Jackson?
Well, if Jackson is the presidential candidate, given that he's black, from the Northeast (representing Ilinois), and one of the top leaders of the "Rainbow Coalition," political logic dictates that his running mate must be a white conservative or moderate "Communitarian" Democrat, preferably a WASP male and, if possible, from the South. So Al Gore, Audie Murphie, Bob Kerrey, Jerry Litton, Jimmy Carter (if he's up to it), etc.
Well, if Jackson is the presidential candidate, given that he's black, from the Northeast (representing Ilinois), and one of the top leaders of the "Rainbow Coalition," political logic dictates that his running mate must be a white conservative or moderate "Communitarian" Democrat, preferably a WASP male and, if possible, from the South. So Al Gore, Audie Murphie, Bob Kerrey, Jerry Litton, Jimmy Carter (if he's up to it), etc.
Jackson/Murphy or Jackson/Carter. I like it
Forgive me if I'm being rude, but everyone here is getting way ahead of themselves. Bobby hasn't even gone through reelection, we shouldn't be speculating about who's going to be the Democratic candidate in 1988 and beyond.
Forgive me if I'm being rude, but everyone here is getting way ahead of themselves. Bobby hasn't even gone through reelection, we shouldn't be speculating about who's going to be the Democratic candidate in 1988 and beyond.
Well, I think most posters, including myself, are of the opinion that RFK, given his popularity and the apparent success of his policies in the timeline, has taken what would have been Reagan's position in our timeline: the President of the 80s. Most of us thought that it was increasingly likely that RFK would win re-election in 1984, although whether it would be a close-run thing (winning by a slight margin) or a landslide is still up for debate.
Let me ask another question then. Who wants to take bets on who Bobby will end up facing in 84?
Well, for one, I would like Senator Jesse Helms or Paul Laxalt to become the frontrunners and eventually the GOP nominee. Maybe to increase their conservative credentials, either one of them could ask a certain preacher named Jerry Faldwell to be their running mate. Such a strategy is certainly a vote winner move.
Well, I think most posters, including myself, are of the opinion that RFK, given his popularity and the apparent success of his policies in the timeline, has taken what would have been Reagan's position in our timeline: the President of the 80s. Most of us thought that it was increasingly likely that RFK would win re-election in 1984, although whether it would be a close-run thing (winning by a slight margin) or a landslide is still up for debate.
I agree. It's the 90s that are in question. 12 years of straight Democratic control of the white house by 1988 will be a stretch for voters. I kinda feel sorry for Loyd Bensen. Had Bobby not run he more than likely would have got the Democratic nomination, probably won against Reagan in 1980 and currently be President. Instead he's serving as vice President again this time under a Kennedy. I wouldn't be surprised if he wants off the ticket in 84 or if he decides to stay in it for the long haul so he can run and (hopefully in his mind) win in 88.
Let me ask another question then. Who wants to take bets on who Bobby will end up facing in 84?
Rumsfeld or the woman who ran against Bush in the 76 primaries (Phyllis some such).
A neocon who thinks the only thing Reagan did wrong was not being conservative enough.
Bobby buries them in 84 by sweeping all 50 states + DC.
The Republican party has a crisis of faith and does a lot of soul-searching.
They make some gains in the 86 midterms, though they don't win the Senate or the House outright because of a JFK-fuelled sympathy vote.
After 1988, both voter fatigue and a general backlash after 12 years of progressive Democrat rule brings in Shirley Temple with running mate Arlen Specter (other running mates are possible).
This administration will shape most of the '90s, and hopefully, the US will not go down the world policeman route with the neocon movement being buried.
Rumsfeld or the woman who ran against Bush in the 76 primaries (Phyllis some such).
A neocon who thinks the only thing Reagan did wrong was not being conservative enough.
Bobby buries them in 84 by sweeping all 50 states + DC.
The Republican party has a crisis of faith and does a lot of soul-searching.
They make some gains in the 86 midterms, though they don't win the Senate or the House outright because of a JFK-fuelled sympathy vote.
After 1988, both voter fatigue and a general backlash after 12 years of progressive Democrat rule brings in Shirley Temple with running mate Arlen Specter (other running mates are possible).
This administration will shape most of the '90s, and hopefully, the US will not go down the world policeman route with the neocon movement being buried.
Arlen Specter would be an interesting choice.
Rumsfeld or the woman who ran against Bush in the 76 primaries (Phyllis some such).
A neocon who thinks the only thing Reagan did wrong was not being conservative enough.
Bobby buries them in 84 by sweeping all 50 states + DC.
The Republican party has a crisis of faith and does a lot of soul-searching.
They make some gains in the 86 midterms, though they don't win the Senate or the House outright because of a JFK-fuelled sympathy vote.
After 1988, both voter fatigue and a general backlash after 12 years of progressive Democrat rule brings in Shirley Temple with running mate Arlen Specter (other running mates are possible).
This administration will shape most of the '90s, and hopefully, the US will not go down the world policeman route with the neocon movement being buried.
While a lot of people dislike Don Rumsfeld, even his detractors, including myself, will grudgingly admit that not only he's very machevilian and intelligent, but also very politically astute. Tricky Dick's protege, who is one hell of a slippery sod and a magnificent bastard. As such, I would predict that he knew how the wind would blow and that the odds of going against Kennedy in 1984 were bad, leading to him not throwing his name in that year's GOP primaries.

I agree with the rest of your prediction.
Arlen Specter would be an interesting choice.
Arlen Specter is indeed an interesting choice, and he's one of my favorites for becoming the next Republican president in this timeline. He, along with other moderates, certainly has a genuine chance of becoming a GOP presidential nominee in this timeline. Now if only the radical monetarists and rabid theocrats of the party could be manipulated into becoming the sacrificial lamb in '84 to make that possible...
Arlen Specter is indeed an interesting choice, and he's one of my favorites for becoming the next Republican president in this timeline. He, along with other moderates, certainly has a genuine chance of becoming a GOP presidential nominee in this timeline. Now if only the radical monetarists and rabid theocrats of the party could be manipulated into becoming the sacrificial lamb in '84 to make that possible...
He'd make a good vice president but I'm not sure I want him as President at least not yet Shirley Temple Black would be a historic pick for the top of the ticket and it would show that after the disasters of 80, 82, and 84 that the GOP is willing to modernize and move past the Phyliss schlaffleys, Jesse Helms and all else.
He'd make a good vice president but I'm not sure I want him as President at least not yet Shirley Temple Black would be a historic pick for the top of the ticket and it would show that after the disasters of 80, 82, and 84 that the GOP is willing to modernize and move past the Phyliss schlaffleys, Jesse Helms and all else.
Well, I was thinking of a possible scenario where Arlen Specter became president in either '88 or '92 with Shirley Temple Black as his vice president. Spectre served two terms as a no-boat-rocking center-right "Compassionate Conservative." Then she would run in her own right as the GOP candidate for the new millennium. To appeal to black votes, she picks a certain African-American of Jamaican descent from New York who is a former four-star US Army general as her running mate.
Well, I was thinking of a possible scenario where Arlen Specter became president in either '88 or '92 with Shirley Temple Black as his vice president. Spectre served two terms as a no-boat-rocking center-right "Compassionate Conservative." Then she would run in her own right as the GOP candidate for the new millennium. To appeal to black votes, she picks a certain African-American of Jamaican descent from New York who is a former four-star US Army general as her running mate.
That could work. I always did wonder how Colin Powell would do as Vice President.


More thoughts on James Bond:

I think that each era should have something that makes it unique.

1.) Connery Bond: Is a more serialized affair; SPECTRE is the overarching antagonistic force (save for Goldfinger, a one off). Starts out every bit as unpleasant and dated as OTL, but Marilyn Monroe refusing a role and dismissing it as trash forces somewhat of a reevaluation. A possible retcon is that due to the weather being good OHMSS gets made in 67; Connery is impressed with the script, and so decides to stick around.

Interestingly, OHMSS is the first Bond film that can REALLY be called feminist. Connery and Rigg share fantastic chemistry and we get to see Bond as a much nicer person (the events of Casino Royale are hinted at, but not shown). This makes Tracy’s death far more tragic.

As a result, YOLT is a much stronger film. Bond is still visibly grieving Tracy’s death, and in a truly ballsy move for the time, Kissy is given a much more developed role. She’s Bond’s third love, and she helps him come to term with Tracy’s death. The climax not only involves Blofeld unleashing his evil plan, it also involves him threatening Kissy and taunting Bond about “loosing another one” (the scene in Spectre where bond has to race to save Madeline but 56 years earlier and different). Blofeld is defeated and killed, as is Irma Bunt.

Diamonds are Forever is a sort of epilogue, with SPECTRE’s rebirth being thwarted.

Glover Era: More Episodic; there’s no overarching big bad, but there are call backs which clearly establish it as the same continuity. Someone suggested Kissy show up in 1977, as a sort of amicable ex. It’s mentioned that she and Bond have a son together

I’ll need to see how the timeline goes to guess the later stuff, but I think that if there is an evil organization Spectre isn’t brought back. Even leaving aside copyright the story ended conclusively.


Another possibility; Carl Sagan might still criticize Star Wars for a lack of diversity even with Mifune. As such I think making ROTJ more diverse would help shore up progressive bonafides.

1.) plays Mon Mothma. Cecily would be almost 60 and so can cast an air of a dignified elder stateswoman. She was also nominated for best actress in 1972.

Having the dignified leader be a black woman would be ballsy as hell and show Lucas is trying to take criticism on board with regards to diversity.

2.) Morgan Freeman could play Crix Madine or another high ranking leader; it gives more diversity AND has wars and trek share an actor earlier (Takei was the first in OTL, playing Lok Durd).