For the Republic: A History of the Second American Civil War

Whilst i am not a Socialist i don't think its in any way accurate to characterize the policies of for eg the German Social Democrats or the Labour Party in Britain as being in any way theft as Deus Vult says here. Socialism in general has nothing in common with Longism
I was going by a more modern interpretation of the term, rather than a contemporary one. While at the time at least the German Social Democrats would call themselves socialist, in factuality they are, well, social democrats.

As for similarities between socialism and Longism, while the ideology behind it is different (with Longism being just a specific brand of populism) the methods they employ are fundamentally the same.

Which was supposed to be the point. That you can't keep taking away the property and wealth of certain groups of people and redistribute it, because eventually there won't be anything left to seize.
His economic model - much like that of the NatCorp - is effectively built on stealing whatever he can to then pay off his support base. Except much like with Socialism, the problem with that is that you eventually run out of other people's money to steal. And for someone whose legitimacy is based on the prosperity he has allegedly brought, once that's revealed to be a massive lie and the honeymoon period ends all the legitimacy goes out of the window as well.
Whilst I'm not going to argue about socialism (I think you're wrong but it's not what I think is the major issue), the Natcorps have the same issue as the Huey's Confederacy. Long simply has less people to milk and less meat to sell than the Corpse, both from simply not having the population nor industry, but also because he's cutting off his nose to spite his face with the oil fields. MacArthur and his clique seem to have the ability to get more funds from both wealthy elites and by milking slave labor for all it's worth, and at some point they're going to get to the end of the rope and decide whenever or not to let go of it or hang themselves with it.
Whilst i am not a Socialist i don't think its in any way accurate to characterize the policies of for eg the German Social Democrats or the Labour Party in Britain as being in any way theft as Deus Vult says here. Socialism in general has nothing in common with Longism
Yeah, Long’s program is entirely separate from socialism the way it’s thought of in theory. It doesn’t even really want worker control of major industries, it’s more like control of certain industries by Long’s minions.
Which was supposed to be the point. That you can't keep taking away the property and wealth of certain groups of people and redistribute it, because eventually there won't be anything left to seize.
This is the fun part for us as writers. The Natcorp regime is founded on preserving capitalism, but has probably done more damage to its private sector than the Republic has, through mass state sponsored looting, runaway spending, and price controls that have squashed countless firms.

Meanwhile, Long comes at it from the opposite standpoint, but does the same stuff, which in practice means enriching himself and his cronies with the spoils of war. Whatever he gives the common (WASP) man is just a bone to keep things from blowing up.
I was going by a more modern interpretation of the term, rather than a contemporary one. While at the time at least the German Social Democrats would call themselves socialist, in factuality they are, well, social democrats.

As for similarities between socialism and Longism, while the ideology behind it is different (with Longism being just a specific brand of populism) the methods they employ are fundamentally the same.

Which was supposed to be the point. That you can't keep taking away the property and wealth of certain groups of people and redistribute it, because eventually there won't be anything left to seize.
What will maintain Longism in the short to medium term is a number of factors. Among them, control of the mouth of the Mississippi is allowing him to extract a great deal in terms of portage fees and is part of his broader strategy of double dealing where he can. In that same vein, as long as the Natcorps and the Republic are deadlocked in an existential conflict and no one has turned their ire on the South, many of the businesses in that region are stuck there, allowing him to pillage or even outright nationalize them. As Angry pointed out, he is also doing everything he can to keep the South’s white populace happy, regardless of the long-term implications for the region’s economy. He’s undertaking vanity projects that create jobs and artificially inflate the Southern economy to expand and maintain a middle class. For an IRL example of exactly this practice, look at China’s ghost cities.

On paper, the Kingfish has revolutionized the South. In reality, he has borrowed heavily against its future, and is keeping himself and his pretend government aloft with an extremely delicate balancing act amongst groups with not just competing, but diametrically opposed interests. The juggling can only continue for so long, and soon enough, the music will stop.
I was going by a more modern interpretation of the term, rather than a contemporary one. While at the time at least the German Social Democrats would call themselves socialist, in factuality they are, well, social democrats.

As for similarities between socialism and Longism, while the ideology behind it is different (with Longism being just a specific brand of populism) the methods they employ are fundamentally the same.

Which was supposed to be the point. That you can't keep taking away the property and wealth of certain groups of people and redistribute it, because eventually there won't be anything left to seize.
It is only a more modern interpretation in the US, which is sort of fair in a way as the story is set in the US. The rest of the world struggles with the incredibly narrow, and rather right (almost far right) skew of the Overton window in the USA. I suspect with the way politics is moving in this version of the US in Republic controlled territory and in the mid west the terms progressive, Liberal and Socialist will take on far more of the respectable European (and Canadian) meanings rather than being seen as another word for communism as parts of the US seem to believe. I was asked once by a republican what it was like to live in a Communalist country, he meant the UK. when i queried that he said we had a Labour Government and a National Health Service therefore we were Communists, i said no Liberals or social Democrats and his reply was Yes i said that Communists....
It is only a more modern interpretation in the US, which is sort of fair in a way as the story is set in the US. The rest of the world struggles with the incredibly narrow, and rather right (almost far right) skew of the Overton window in the USA. I suspect with the way politics is moving in this version of the US in Republic controlled territory and in the mid west the terms progressive, Liberal and Socialist will take on far more of the respectable European (and Canadian) meanings rather than being seen as another word for communism as parts of the US seem to believe. I was asked once by a republican what it was like to live in a Communalist country, he meant the UK. when i queried that he said we had a Labour Government and a National Health Service therefore we were Communists, i said no Liberals or social Democrats and his reply was Yes i said that Communists....
Extremely true.
Socialism isnt just redistribution.
That would make the Nazis socialist aa the redistributed wealth of Jews.
It is the public ownership of goods and services and a centrally planned economy alongside redistribution.
Long is not socialist.
He is distributist.