WI: Bob Casey Sr. ran in the 1992 Democratic Presidential primaries

Flames out spectacularly.
By 1992 Democratic Presidential primary voters were firmly Pro-Choice, and Gov. Casey would not have reached the minimum threshold to receive delegates.
The controversy about him not being allowed to speak at the convention was just a media invention trying to create a story when there was really none there.
DNC Chairman Ron Brown had a rule that in order to speak at the convention, you had to endorse the presumptive nominee Bill Clinton, only Kathleen Brown, California State Treasurer was allowed to speak without endorsing Clinton because she was the heavily favored frontrunner for the '94 California Gubernatorial nomination.
Gov. Casey could have circulated nomination papers in order to get his name placed in nomination and then spoke for himself during the seconding speech.
Flames out but splits the consie vote enough that nobody as rightwing as Clinton can win the primaries. Democrats more soclib/economically liberal, US a bit more more of both than OTL.
Flames out but splits the consie vote enough that nobody as rightwing as Clinton can win the primaries. Democrats more soclib/economically liberal, US a bit more more of both than OTL.
I doubt it, his campaign would be a dud from day one. Its hard to see him eating into Clinton's New Hampshire vote enough to stop the "comeback kid" and after that he falls by the wayside.