bosnian crisis

  1. Any possible way for a surviving Autonomous province of Western Bosnia?

    The Autonomous Province of Western Bosnia was a small unrecognized proto-state that existed in the northwest of Bosnia and Herzegovina between 1993 and 1995. It consisted mainly of the town of Velika Kladuša, its capital, as well as a few nearby villages and fields. It was proclaimed as a result...
  2. Germany strong arms Austria-Hungary into compensating Italy for Bosnia

    Austria's annexation of Bosnia, which it had previously occupied, is noted as one of the flashpoints to WW1. Russia of course (or more accurately a Russian minister) made claims of compensation regarding Bosnia. But Italy was also put out regarding this expansion, which they got nothing for...
  3. Martinus Padueius

    WI Actual UN Safe Zones (i.e. Srebrenica)

    In Bosnia the controversial action of the UN in declaring some areas "safe" zones for refugees and civilians led disastrously to the largest massacre in Europe since WWII, along with abuses elsewhere, and much criticism against the UN. It doesn't help that in English the pun UNSafe Zone is...
  4. No/Failed May Coup: Effects on Bosnia-Hercegovina?

    What if there would have been no regime change in Serbia in 1903, and the country remained friendly towards Austria-Hungary? Primarily, what would've happened to the Austro-Hungarian occupied Bosnia-Hercegovina and Sanjak? Would Bosnia still be entirely annexed to A-H? Could Serbia get some bits...
  5. VadisDeProfundis

    AHC: Izvolski-Ährenthal Plan goes through: KuK gets Bosnia, Russia gets the Straits

    I don't know how obscure this is, but when I first learnt of it I was amazed that this was part of the background for the Austrian annexation of BiH. So, as far as I know, the thing here is that the Russian government and the Austrian government, through their respective foreign ministers, made...