For Want of A Sandwich - A Franz Ferdinand Lives Wikibox TL

The Russian Army was better prepared and the Soviets failed to seize major population points, allowing the Whites to win.
So the best equivalent for TTL's Russian Revolution would be the failed German Revolution of 1918-1919 with the Bolsheviks as the Spartakists and all that?
I'm eyeing Armenia a lot !
Well, Armenia will be fun to write, especially with how they have even more people than Turkiye or Iran IOTL in an even smaller area and could be compared to Bangladesh, albeit in a mountainous area and all that.
How advanced are the best AIs? Weak intelligences that can only excel in certain fields? Strong intelligences that have diverse problem-solving skills and decision making on par with humans? Full blown robotic/computer consciousness and independence?
A Bulgarian-build AI managed to pass TTL Turing Test and intelligent androids are being tested for warfare and elderly care. The best advanced countries on the matter are Germany, United States, Bulgaria, Japan and China.
So somewhat of a combination of the first and second then.

Good update, thanks!
Willis Carrier

Willis Haviland Carrier (Angola, NY November 26, 1876 - New York City, NY October 7, 1950) was an American engineer, best known for inventing modern air conditiong, founding Carrier Corporation in 1915, a company still existing to this day and specialized in the manufacture and distribution of HVAC systems.

Earning a Master of Engineering from Cornell University, Carrier invented the first electrical air conditioning unit in 1902, receiving a patent in 1906 and creating the Carrier Air Condition Company of America in 1908 as a subsidiary of the Buffalo Forge Company, becoming its own entity in 1915. In spite of the Great Depression, the Carrier Company's prospects were excellent, thanks to innovation and demand from the United States government, mostly during the occupation of Mexico. Even the World War wouldn't impede the residential and commercial use of air conditioning, managing to gain new ground in Europe and Africa, thanks to the exile of the German forces in Sub-Saharan Africa, making the demand for air conditioning wide. Carrier would die a billionnaire and Carrier is still one of the leading worldwide companies and Willis Carrier is named among the most influential engineers of the 20th Century.

As one historian put it, "Willis Carrier gave the South an industrial future, allowed the Europeans to continue colonization until the 1970s, gave rein the Japanese and the Australians to fight each other in the jungle, would have made India a democracy and prepared us for climate change".
So the best equivalent for TTL's Russian Revolution would be the failed German Revolution of 1918-1919 with the Bolsheviks as the Spartakists and all that?

Well, Armenia will be fun to write, especially with how they have even more people than Turkiye or Iran IOTL in an even smaller area and could be compared to Bangladesh, albeit in a mountainous area and all that.
Well, you could say that about the ATL Russian Revolution, albeit a bit longer.
I am too amazed that Armenia has so high population. Pretty high even without Armenian Genocide.

Yes indeed I agree.
I hadn't thought about this comparison of Armenia with Bangladesh ! As of the population, I reported the natural increase IOTL to pre-Genocide Armenia's population, let's say that immigration was quite low.
So somewhat of a combination of the first and second then.

Good update, thanks!
Thank you !
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Willis Haviland Carrier (Angola, NY November 26, 1876 - New York City, NY October 7, 1950) was an American engineer, best known for inventing modern air conditiong, founding Carrier Corporation in 1915, a company still existing to this day and specialized in the manufacture and distribution of HVAC systems.

Earning a Master of Engineering from Cornell University, Carrier invented the first electrical air conditioning unit in 1902, receiving a patent in 1906 and creating the Carrier Air Condition Company of America in 1908 as a subsidiary of the Buffalo Forge Company, becoming its own entity in 1915. In spite of the Great Depression, the Carrier Company's prospects were excellent, thanks to innovation and demand from the United States government, mostly during the occupation of Mexico. Even the World War wouldn't impede the residential and commercial use of air conditioning, managing to gain new ground in Europe and Africa, thanks to the exile of the German forces in Sub-Saharan Africa, making the demand for air conditioning wide. Carrier would die a billionnaire and Carrier is still one of the leading worldwide companies and Willis Carrier is named among the most influential engineers of the 20th Century.

As one historian put it, "Willis Carrier gave the South an industrial future, allowed the Europeans to continue colonization until the 1970s, gave rein the Japanese and the Australians to fight each other in the jungle, would have made India a democracy and prepared us for climate change".
Thinking of the recent heatwave in France, I assume…

But is there a difference here from his actual life or am I missing something?
Anne Frank

Anneliese Marie Frank, better known as Anne Frank (Frankfurt-am-Main, Prussia, Germany June 12, 1929 - Antsirabé, Madagascar March 18, 1957) was a German journalist and author.

Born into a liberal German Jewish family in Frankfurt, Anne Frank managed to stay hidden in Frankfurt during the World War, escaping persecution from the Syndicalist occupiers. As soon as the World War ended, she registered in journalism in the University of Köln, graduating in 1952 ; during an exchange in the Netherlands, she met her husband, Peter Van Pels, even if the marriage would end in divorce soon after Frank found employment as a copy editor in the Frankfurter Rundschau. Frustrated by her desk job, she applied as a photojournalist for Reuters’ German bureau in 1955.

Known as a firebrand, Anne Frank first saw action during the Estonian War, following Finnish troops on the battlefield, winning many prizes with her photos and her account of the war. After the war ended in 1956, Frank went to Madagaskar, where the war had ended four years before but where a guerilla remained and German military presence remained massive.

As Frank was making a report on village destructions in the area around Antsirabé, her body was found by German infantry troops patrolling in the region on March 19, 1957, as she had been seen the day prior in a German base. The reports remain unclear : the German military authorities in Madagascar accused Malagasy independentists of a botched abduction attempt, while the Malagasy opposition believed Frank had been victim of a skirmish between German troops and Malagasy militants. In spite of her short life, Anne Frank remains a revered name in journalism, her example being taught in all media and schools of journalism throughout Europe and the sheer strength of her pictures remaining in public consciousness, such as her report on nuclear fallout throughout Madagascar.
Thinking of the recent heatwave in France, I assume…

But is there a difference here from his actual life or am I missing something?
Yes, as such, but his business wasn't derailed that much by the Great Depression and the Second World War. Willis Carrier is among the 100 People of the 20th Century according to the Times, so he had his own update, even if not much can be said...
What happens to Art Spiegelman, Alan Moore, Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, Joe Simon, Dan Clowes, Frank Miller, Bob Kane, and Bill Finger ITTL? What are graphic novels and comic books like in general ITTL?
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Considering Constantinople is still the largest city in Europe, what city is the second-biggest in Europe (and largest entirely in Europe) ITTL? Is it still Moscow or does Berlin hold the position ITTL? Also, considering her views IOTL, what is Niki Ashton's tenure as Canadian Prime Minister like and any prominent events in her time in office?
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Unlikely I think. For a man who took investigative journalism to whole new degree and put himself in harm's way against various established interests, I find his character at the opposite of someone who would indulge in complacency towards the regime, however friendly he might be to its ideals. He might as well end up one of the first victims of Doriot's purges if he has not gone into exile by then.
Ludwig Wittgenstein

Ludwig Josef Johann Wittgenstein (Vienna 26 April 1889 - 14 October 1928) was an Austrian philosopher who worked primarily in logic, the philosophy of mathermatics, the philosophy of mind and the philosophy of language, best known for his only and seminal work, the 75-page Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus (1922, Logical-Philosophical Treatise).

Born into one of Europe’s wealthiest families (the Wittgensteins possessing the whole Austrian steel cartel), Wittgenstein, the youngest of the family, was destined to succeed one day to his father : the harsh upbringing would lead to the suicide of three of his brothers. Taught by private tutors at home until he was 14, he attended the Realschule in Linz before studying engineering in Berlin (at the Technische Hochschule, getting his diploma in 1908) and Manchester (Victoria University, dropping out in 1911), before turning to the foundations of mathermatics after reading Bertrand Russell and Gottlob Frege, eventually attending the University of Cambridge to attend Russell’s classes, eventually growing frustrated. Returning to Austria in 1913, Wittgenstein soon inherited his father’s fortune, became benefactor to artists such as Rainer Maria Rike and Georg Trakl and settled in Norway, working on Logik, the first version of his magnum opus.

When the Great European War erupted, Wittgenstein had already begun his work on the Tractatus, but he immediately volunteered for the Austrian Army, serving on the Russian front as a lieutenant and receiving various medals for bravery (Military merit, Silver Medal for Valour), ending the war in captivity. Wittgenstein returned from the war a deeply changed man ; as he had completed the Tractatus during military leave in 1918, he divided his fortune between his siblings and to become an elementary school teacher in the Austrian countryside.

Taking up teaching posts starting in 1922, after the publication and translation of the Tractatus, Wittenstein became an overnight sensation in logician and philosophical circles, Wittgenstein quickly acquired a reputation as a eccentric and downright abusive teacher, beating boys and girls alike, even in the context of pre-Danubian War Austria. As Wittgenstein lived in isolation in spite of his growing celebrity, he had to resign from his teaching post after he had beaten viciously a 11 year-old pupil, Josef Haidbauer. Wittgenstein returned to Vienna, joining a circle of philosophers, scientists and mathematicians inspired by the Tractatus ; after working for a while as a gardner in a monastery and pondering about becoming a monk, later helping to design a house for his sister, Wittengenstin considered returning to philosophy in England ; but the Danubian War broke out and Wittgenstein further isolated himself at home in front of the chaos that seized the Empire, in spite of the pleas from his friends to flee.

On 14 October 1928, a week after the violent putsch of Glaise von Horstenau, a group of Landbund paramilitaries forced their entry into Wittgenstein’s apartment in Vienna ; even if many saw in the break-in an antisemtic motive, it seemed that the roughnecks were more interested in the supposed riches of the Wittgenstein family than by the philosopher’s reputation. Upon seeing the ascetic lifestyle of Wittgenstein along with the absence of money, the paramilitaries were met by harsh insults and yells : Ludwig Wittgenstein died there, shot in the head, before the paramilitaries destroyed his home. His body was recovered the following day by his sister.

One of his correspondants, John Meynard Keynes, summed up the catastrophe that the murder of Wittgenstein meant : “he was just getting out of isolation and returning to philosophy, after revolutizing the field in just one short book. One could wonder what Wittgenstein could have produced had he lived”. In his letters, Wittgenstein seemed to have reconsidered the ideas outlined in the Tractatus : his private works up to 1928 were however lost during the ransacking of his home and the chaos of the Danubian War ; fragments were discovered in 1953 in the cave of one of his assassins, eventually published as Philosophical Investigations, heavily annotated by Bertrand Russell.

Seen as one of the greatest philosophers of the 20th Century, some considering him “the most important since Immanuel Kant”, Wittgenstein contributed to a massive breakthrough with the Tractatus, judging that he had solved all philosophical problems through the logical relationship between propositions and the world, even if debate still rages among scholars as of whether or not they have truly understood the scope of Wittgenstein’s philosophy. In popular culture, his life was the subject of a British film by Michael Radford, “Wittgenstein”, released in 1993 with Tim Roth in the title role, winning the Academy Award for Best Film in 1994.
What happens to Art Spiegelman, Alan Moore, Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, Joe Simon, Dan Clowes, Frank Miller, Bob Kane, and Bill Finger ITTL? What are graphic novels and comic books like in general ITTL?

Moore at least won a Nobel Prize for literature.

Nice stuff.

Stan Lee became a novelist, and a world-renowned one. The others, I haven't thought about it. DC Comics currently enjoy their own cinematic universe while there are some Marvel properties that work : similarly to Watchmen, superhero movies are more of an Americana thing and have less worldwide success.
Considering Constantinople is still the largest city in Europe, what city is the second-biggest in Europe (and largest entirely in Europe) ITTL? Is it still Moscow or does Berlin hold the position ITTL? Also, considering her views IOTL, what is Niki Ashton's tenure as Canadian Prime Minister like and any prominent events in her time in office?
Berlin is the holder. As of Niki Ashton, she tended to have left-wing policies, making her a scarecrow for many Conservatives and legalizing cannabis use and pushing for pro-LGBT laws, while the Wuchang Pneumonia happened during her tenure ; due to the flak with her strict handling of the issue, she was defeated in 2021 by the Liberals, led by Martha Hall Findlay.

Speaking of journalists dying in suspicious circumstances, what of Albert Londres ITTL ?

What would be cursed but plausible, considering his left-leaning views IOTL, would be him being involved in the CWR's propaganda machine.

Unlikely I think. For a man who took investigative journalism to whole new degree and put himself in harm's way against various established interests, I find his character at the opposite of someone who would indulge in complacency towards the regime, however friendly he might be to its ideals. He might as well end up one of the first victims of Doriot's purges if he has not gone into exile by then.
I agree with Galileo here. He was absolutely disgusted by what he saw in the Soviet Union and would fight against Doriot's regime.