Our United Nations

With the End of the Second World War, the United Nations planned to play a much greater role in the world then the League of Nations ever had done, meaning they wished to prevent future conflicts and future wars of any kind whenever possible. At the same time the defeat of Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan lead many to believe that a new conflict between Democratic Capitalist West and Authoritarian Communist East was rising. Some believed the best way to prevent this from happening, as well as strengthen and secure the United Nations like the League of Nations never had been would be to ensure that the Peace after the Second World War would not be dictated by revengeist and nationalist ambitions of the victors, but by a Peace Conference made up by all member states and nations within the newly formed United Nations. Things to discuss were plenty, as the Greek Civil War provided a first glimpse of things to come if the increasing rivalries between West and East could not be limited.

A first step therefore was not only to conduct a final peace treaty which would establish the new borders in Europe, but to determent what these borders would be, starting in Germany were the various partition plans of Germany would be debated once more, going south to Austria, were it would be decided if it should be partitioned like Germany as well, leading to Yugoslavia and nearby Albania, were Tito and the Government-in-Exile could agree that neither of them wished to fall completely under Stalin’s influence, as the British had also made it clear they wished no Soviet occupations and control outside of the regions they had taken with their armed forces, until finally in the South the Greek Civil War needed to be addressed. Further east the Partition of Persia between American, British and Soviet forces to secure the vital supply line during the Second War was no longer needed and the country could be liberated once more, but Persian Communists already hoped that the Soviet controlled zone in the North could help them proclaim a Socialist Republic of Persian People (Socialist Republic of Persia) against the ruling Shah Monarchy and by taking over, also secure the Soviet route to the warm water harbors of the Indian Ocean.

In the Far East meanwhile Chiang’s Nationalists, Mao’s Communists and Yan Xishan fought for dominance of Northeast China and Manchuria, while the East Turkestan People’s Republic, similar to the Mongolian People’s Republic looked like the Soviet Union and Stalin wished to carve out parts of the Chinese Republic for themselves. Further Untied Nations peace treaties would also have to clarify if the Korean People, once enslaved under the Japanese Empire could reunite their Peninsula as an independent Nation State and if said country would be more pro-West Capitalist or pro-East Communist. Similarly in Japan the Question if Japan should and would be occupied and maybe divided like the German partition plans needed to be talked over as well. Meanwhile in Southeast Asia, there was the question what should happen with the former European and American Colonies and Protectorates, with the Philippines demanding full independence as a United Nations member state, while in Indochina local socialist, communist and even Nationalist Chinese backed independence movement had already one sided proclaimed the independence of Vietnam, Laos and later Cambodia from French rule while further south the Indonesian Republic had declared it’s independence from the Dutch East Indies. Here the question was if these independence proclamations should lead to United nations member states and new countries forming, possible sparking a wave of decolonization and peaceful, as well as aggressive independence movements all across Asia and Africa, or if these regions should be given back to their former colonial and imperial owners.
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The German Partition plans: 1) the Soviet favored plan, including a huge push of Poland westward 2) British plan (not nessesarily with Hungary), 3) the 1st American pland 4) the 2nd American plan. Vote on Germany here!

Vote for Austria here!

Vote for Yugoslavia here!

Vote for Greece here!

Vote for Persia here!

The Japanese Partition and Occupation Zone plan.

Vote for China here!

Vote for Korea here!

Vote for Japan here!

Vote for the Philippines here!

Vote for Indochina here!

Vote for Indonesia here!
Like always similar to OLN TL/AU votes will be open till the next update in a week. Looking itneresting for Indochina especialy so far ^^
New Rivalries and Nations

It was decided that neither Austria, nor Germany would not be divided and that a mix of the 1st American Plan and the British Partition plan would be implemented. While it was decided that Yugoslavia would become a neutral buffer state in between the Western Capitalist Powers and the Eastern Communist Ones, Stalin claimed he could not control the local Socialists and Communist rebels with some of them accidentally finding their way to Soviet advisors, training and weaponry, to overthrow the Government, while Tito tried his best to keep the multi-ethnic state under a single government, together and out of Stalin’s reach now that the West supported him. In the Greek Civil War the King and Athens government was recognized and because of that few direct support for the Communists in the Northern Mountains arrived trough Bulgaria, meaning they would ultimately loose in the End. Similarly in Persia the Shad was accepted, but the Communists in the North tried to set up their own counter-government. Similarly in the Chinese Republic the Nationalists who saw some warlords like Yan Xishan now back the Nanjing central government, had a hard time getting up control back in Manchuria and Inner Mongolia, were local autonomy was to be given to ethnic minorities and similar to East Turkestan and Outer Mongolia, the Chinese Communists under Mao would use this move to set up their own Moscow backed Inner Mongolian People’s Republic and the Manchurian People’s Republic alike. First tensions then came when Stalin intended to give Inner Mongolia to the Mongolian People’s Republic and secure Manchuria as the Manchurian People’s Republic, while Mao Zedong himself opposed this idea and hoped for a united Chinese People’s Republic, engulfing all of Greater China under the Chinese Communist Party. Korea in the meantime was to be remaining united and independent, but just like in other places, Stalin claimed to have little control over local Communist forces and guerrillas overall, which was a lie in most of this chases. Japan itself was also remaining unified and the Soviets would gain the northern Islands, but not End up in occupation zones. Because of that Stalin either encouraged local Communist rebels and guerillas to take over violently, but at the same time offered a different solution.

The United Nations should neutralize these occupied and contested countries trough what Stalin called a guided democracy for the former Axis Powers and their allies across the globe. Under it a certain percentage of their local governments (25%) would go automatically to the Socialists/ Communists and an equal amount to the Liberal Democratic parties to prevent a majority and rise of a fascist, nationalist regime ever again in these countries, at least until they would be thoughtfully thanks to education, propaganda and a new generation freed from all remnants of nationalism, fascism, imperialism and monarchism. Secretly however Stalin had ordered local left-wing parties, guerrillas and rebels to take up arms and take the contested countries trough means of force, should the West not neutralize them now, so the Communists could take them over from the inside later on. In the Philippines local nationalists, the independence movement and the Americans meanwhile after the chaos and collaboration of the Japanese occupation and war had agreed to follow the slower American plan, so that the Philippines would be rebuild and stabilized as a republic before gaining true independence. In Indochina meanwhile the nations of Annam (ethnically Vietnamese, Tribal Mon-Khmeer, Yao/ Man, as well as minor tribes and ethnics), Cambodia (ethnically Cambodian some Laotians), Cochinchina (ethnically Mon-Khmer, Vietnamese, Tribal Mon-Khmer), Laos (Lao/Tai, tribal Tai and tribal Mon-Khmer) and Tonking (ethnically Vietnamese, Tribal Tai, Muong and Yao/ Man),gained full independence and became the newest nation states to join the League of Nations. While the French withdrawal cost unrest in Mainland France and unpopularity for de Gaulle and other projects of his like a more united Europe, it strengthened local nationalist and monarchist factions against socialist and communist rebels, like the Indochinese Communist Union Forces under Ho Chi Minh. In the Dutch East Indies, the Dutch gave all control to the Republic of Indonesia and like in Indochina, the local, from the European Colonialists freed, but American and European support backed Nationalist governments and even authoritarian dictatorships and tyrannies just as long as they keep socialists and communists out of power there. The former Italian Colonies, or occupied territories also had to be dealt with. Abyssinia (Ethiopia) was given independence once more, but the question remained if Libya (Tripolitania and Cyrenaica), Eritrea and Somalia should get independence as well and if Eastern, ethnic Somalian Ethiopia should be returned to Abyssinia/ Ethiopia, or given to an independent, or British United Nations mandate of Greater Somalia.
Guided Democracy and Asian People's Republics
Italian Libya was divided into Tripolitania and Cyrenaica, both Untied Nations Mandates until they would be fully build up as nation states while Greater Abyssinia/ Ethiopia was given most of former Italian East Africa, bur with immense internal Autonomy for the provinces of Eritrea and Greater Somalia. Meanwhile under what Stalin would call Guided Democracy (GD) was introduced into Germany, Austria and Japan, as well as Persia to keep these countries from becoming hot zones of a yet Cold War, but to also ensure de-nazification, the End of fascism and monarchism in these areas and build up new democratic republics, which the Eastern Comintern believed would trough elections become more socialist and communist and the Western Allies believed would become more democratic, republican and capitalist. While Korea was officially not part of the Guided Democratic Nations (GDN) which were kind of United Nation Mandates, it maintained it’s occupation zones. Meanwhile in the German Soviet occupation zone, Stalin ordered the dismantling of all heavy industries and much of the infrastructure, in the hopes of making Germany a more agrarian nation state, unable to threaten it’s neighbors ever again, similar to the Morgenthau-Plan, while also using these materials and riches to rebuild the war-thorn Soviet Union. At the same time German Parties, who had in unitary of majority voted in favor of the Ermächtigungsgesetz (Enabling Act) that had allowed the Nazi rise to authoritarian power and dictatorship were outlawed under the new German laws that forbid every Nazi organization, party, movement, or those closely collaborating with these organizations.

This included the NSDAP, the Nazi Party itself (which would be attempted to be replaced by right-wing Germans with the Socialist National Party of Germany/ Sozial Nationalistische Deutsche Partei), the Catholic Centre Party Zentrum (which would be mostly replaced by the Christian German Party/ Christdeutsche Partei), the DNVP (which would be mostly replaced by the German People’s National Party, Deutsche Volksationale Partei, DVNP), the BVP (Bavarian People’s Party, which would be mostly replaced by the Bavarian Free State Party, BFP), the DstP (which would be mostly replaced by the State Party of Germans, Staatliche Partei der Deutschen), the CSVD (which would be mostly replaced by the Social Christian Party of Germany, Socialchristliche Partei Deutschlands, SCPD), the DVP (which would be mostly replaced by the People’s Party of Germany, Volkspartei Deutschlands, VPD), the Landbund (which would be mostly replaced by the German Land Partei, Deutsche Land Partei) and the DBP (which would be mostly replaced by the Farmers Party of Germany/ Bauern Partei Deutschlands, BPD, later splitting into it’s more center-right original and the more center-left PDB, Party of German Farmers/ Partei Deutscher Bauern).

Only the Socialdemocratische Partei Deutschlands/ Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) and the Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands/ Communist Party of Germany (KPD), beside some minor ones, or the former larger ones, renaming, re-branding and reorganizing under Guided Democracy survived in Germany and partial in Austria, which was why the Western Allies and Capitalsit Powers feared a left-wing election victory and Germany, Austria and other places falling to the Soviet Union in the next elation, leading to them hastily aiding the other local parties to reorganise and even partial help coordinate and finance their election campaigns in the sectors they themselves controlled, while in the Soviet Zone most beside the SPD/KPD were not allowed to make any election campaigns and both would in local cities and provinces form a coalition government known as the new Socialist-Communist Unity Party of Germany/ Soczialistisch-Kommunistische Einheitspartei Deutschlands (SKED). While not supported by western German SPD and KPD local party groups, their own dependence on Soviet Union and East Block support meant they also did not outright oppose this coalition, leading to a new strong Socialsit-Communsit-Marxist-Leninist-Stalinist German Party in the east.

In Japan meanwhile the question arose if the End of the Japanese Empire not only meant the End of State-Shinto, but what position the Japanese nation and state should have in the future regarding the national religion of Shintoism. With this the question also arose about the Japanese Emperor itself, previously believed to be a living god, or at least a descendant of one. At the same time the support of the United Nations for the Greek Government in Athens meant that the British, who aided the Greek monarchy and nationalists on the ground against the Communist Guerrilla in the northern mountains had further legitimacy in the eyes of the world, which would allow for it to get more backing from London with additional forces, as well as having other member states of the United Nations help finance the conflict, the Royal Greek National Army (RGNA) and the British Forces in Greece (BFG) themselves to win the war and end the conflict within the next years. At the same time, not quit satisfied with the growths of socialist and communist movements within the efficiently neutralized guided democracies around the globe, Stalin instructed local communist parties, movement and forces to aid local independence and nationalist groups to proclaim their own nation states, which effectively would be puppets of the Soviet Union. Among those were the so called Ainu People’s Republic in former northern Japan, the island of Hokkaido, with Sapporo as it’s capital, as well as the Manchurian People’s Republic in former Manchuria, much to the dismay of the Chinese and their government and leaders, like Chiang, Mao and Wang. Of the overall 43,000,000 people living in the Manchurian People’s Republic, ironically only 2,800,000 real Manchu arrived, as the original Manchufication of Han Chinese under the Qing Dynasty had long reversed with the Han Chinese in modern times making up the majority. In the Ainu People’s Republic things looked similar, with around 20,000 Ainu living on the island 3,700,000 people living in the island, meaning ethnic Japanese made up the majority, even if Russian estimates assumed around 200,000 ethnic Ainu might live on the island, having been Japanized over time by the Imperial Japanese Regime.
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How on earth have I missed this thread till now I wonder...
I would argue sometimes notifications do not work properly even If you watch/ follow other people here, heck they sadly don't even work for threads you follow/ watch or even have created sometimes, not sure why. Hop you enjoy it and have fun here like in Our League of Nations (third one about Our Soviet Union also coming up). ^^
I would argue sometimes notifications do not work properly even If you watch/ follow other people here, heck they sadly don't even work for threads you follow/ watch or even have created sometimes, not sure why. Hop you enjoy it and have fun here like in Our League of Nations (third one about Our Soviet Union also coming up). ^^
It may be the case, anyway cannot wait for the third game. Wonder what we will cook up with the Soviets. It may be interesting to play the bad guys for a change.

Hopefully we will create something better than OTL USSR, or not a state similar to TNO's Burgundy but communist ;D
It may be the case, anyway cannot wait for the third game. Wonder what we will cook up with the Soviets. It may be interesting to play the bad guys for a change.

Hopefully we will create something better than OTL USSR, or not a state similar to TNO's Burgundy but communist ;D
That should not be too hard, seeing sadly what a hellhole it was OTL for most people living in it, no wonder so many fled it once they could, even risking their lives to do so.
That should not be too hard, seeing sadly what a hellhole it was OTL for most people living in it, no wonder so many fled it once they could, even risking their lives to do so.
Well whole Soviet/Russian history since 1917 is a complete tragedy. With such natural resources at their disposal threre should be a at least stable and prosperous country instead of OTL's hellhole but its story for another time ...
Second East Turkestan Republic/ East Turkestan United People's Republic
Partially influenced in their decision by the Americans and British, who backed them against growing Soviet Communist influence in Asia, the Japanese Republic was allowed to keep State-Shinto, which remained the Japanese national state religion, but the Emperor himself was only kept as a religious symbol, completely disconnected from any real power. Still because of that he became a prominent figure for both radical theocratic religious elements, imperial monarchist and ethnic nationalist groups alike in the Japanese Home Islands during the Cold War. At the same time Joseph Stalin could proclaim some diplomatic and foreign relation victories, first with the implementing of guided democracy, which gave socialist-communist parties a fixed guaranteed influence, no matter their actual support in the population, then trough the creation of the Ainu People’s Republic and the Manchu People’s Republic, nation states with so small own populations and economies, they depended on survival on Soviet Union aid, which meant Stalin and the Soviet Union would gain massive influence over their external and internal politics and decisions, or otherwise would abandon them to Han Chinese (Manchuria) and Japanese (Hokkaido) claims on their territory and nation as a whole. While the Nazi Party, as well as aiding, supportive close tied organizations are outlawed and Nazi German War Criminals trialed in Germany, the General Confederation of Labour is founded in Argentina and the Indonesian People’s Army, as well as the Indonesian Socialist Party (ISP) and the Indonesian Communist Party (ISC) try to create a more left-leaning Indonesian People’s Republic, but their supposed coup leads to a purge by the military against them, so that the United Republican States of Indonesia (URSI) establish their own New Order of Guided Democracy under Koesno Sosrodihardjo (Sukarno) and Mohammad Hatta and create their own local ideal and ideology, Nasakom (Nasionalisme/National-Agama/ Religion-Komunisme/ Communism) in an attempt to blend Javanese Nationalism, Islam and Communism into one inside a unitarian authoritarian presidential republic. During their so called Indonesian Socialist-Communist Purge, or Indonesian Mass Killings between half a million to two million people would die.

While the last Japanese soldiers surrender to the Allies on Taiwan, securing the island for the Nationalist Chinese Kuomintang by doing so on the long run, the Indian Republic/ Republic of India officially joins the United Nations as it’s newest member. Some Indians still believe former British Raj could stay a united, strong South Asian country and nation state, but the All-Indian Muslim League (AIML) under Muhammad Ali Jinnah, fearful after the Indian Hindu Nationalist Swadeshi Movement feared a dominance of Indian Hindu over their own people as a minority in such a nation state and therefore preferred the creation of Pakistan as a Muslim Nation State of their own. Because of his recent success meanwhile and because relations with the Chinese Communists and their Chinese Soviet Republic/ Chinese People’s Republic had already soured over the annexation of large parts of Inner Mongolia into the Mongolian People’s Republic, as well as the independence of the Manchurian People’s Republic, Stalin now tried to cement his hold on Outer China compared to China Proper (and therefore his control over much of Central Asia and the Far East) by getting the United Nations to recognize the independence of the East Turkestan People’s Republic as well. The East Turkestan People’s Republic had already shortly existed as an Islamic breakaway nation known as the Turkic Islamic Republic of East Turkestan/ East Turkestan Republic in western Xinjiang (East Turkestan) and had the support of many Turkic, Uighur, Kazakh and Kirghiz ethnic people and local religious Muslims when the Uyghur Separatist Ili Rebellion was backed by the Soviet Union as the so called Second East Turkestan Republic/ East Turkestan United People's Republic. At the same time the Mongolian People’s Republic annexation parts of the totally claimed land of Inner Mongolia and made preparation to invade the rest of it to annex it as well. Both the Kuomintang Nationalist and the Chinese Communist Party protested, but it was undeniable the Soviet Union had the support of the majority of the ethnic groups living in Xinjiang Province with the exception of the local Han Chinese minority, which the local Turkic, Uighur, Kazakh and Kirghiz ethnic people claimed to be colonial imperialists. At the same time the Western Allies alongside the Chinese United Coalition Government warned Stalin and the Soviet Union to outright annex the East Turkestan, Mongol and Manchurian People’s Republic as Soviet Socialist Republics into the Soviet Union.
Justice Indonesian National Revolution and India
After the vote of the local population the Second East Turkestan Republic/ East Turkestan United People’s Republic was fully recognized as an independent nation state with all it’s claims. While the Alleid forces tested captured A4/ V2 rockets the trial against Nazi’s their supporters, sympathizers, collaborators and all organizations linked to them across former Nazi occupied Europe began. Not only were former Nazi organizations and those aiding and supporting them banned, captured leaders of theirs like Pierre Laval, Vidkun Quisling and many others are trialed and either imprisoned for life, or sentenced to death. To overlook that despite all things done by the Nazi’s their supporters and sympathizers these trials, as well as others are fair, the United Nations UN International Court of Justice, or World Court is founded to not only trial such dictators, tyrants and war criminals who had done crimes against humanity, but to also overlook that courts in it’s member nations are fair and just, not like the Nazi Germans internal ones, which had been misused against political enemies. Inside the newly founded United Nations the UN Food and Agriculture Organization in Quebec City, is meant to help with food wast and redistribute it, so that food shortages and famines never occur again, not in times of peace and not in times of war.

At the same time the Mongolian people vote for full independence of the Mongolian People’s Republic from China for good and soon the Manchurian and East Turkestan People do the same symbolically to prove to the United Nations that they are independent nation states now, secretly encouraged to do so by Stalin and the Soviet Union. For the first time Woman can vote in the French Legislative Election, something soon spreading trough most of Europe and later the World. After some resistance and debate, with all support and supplies from Japan ended the Japanese forces in Formosa/ Taiwan finally surrender to the Allies, who give back the island under Chinese jurisdictions for the Republic of China. In Indonesia members of the Indonesian National Revolution attack British and Dutch civilians after British and Dutch forces had left the nation state in a radical attempt to get rid of all remaining Europeans, as well as colonial and imperial remnants from before their independence. Besides American and Europeans, Chinese foreigners, influential especially in Indonesian trade are also persecuted by radical Javanese Indonesian movements, terror groups and mobs. The Chinese recently opposing to the United Nations that had accepted the liberty of East Turkestan, Mongolia and Manchuria, as well as their own vote in percentage of their overall population in regulars to the overall world population now suddenly calls for a UN assurance of American, Chinese and European civilians and citizens in Indonesia, a notion in which they are supported by the Americans, British and Dutch. At the same time the former British Raj/ British India hopes to join the United Nations as a undivided nation state and it’s newest member.