President Jefferson in 1796

WI the tree electors from North Carolina, Virginia, and Pennsylvania that vote for Adams in OTL instead voted for Jefferson in 1796? This would mean Jefferson being innagurated in 1797 and Adams serving another term as vice-president.
I think that anyone who was elected after washington was doomed to lose re-election. I read somewhere that Jefferson suspected this and hoped to lose. If he wins I think he would be put in the position of trying to support the French. This would blow up in his face win they start stopping our ships. A federalist would probably win in 1800. Whats important is that this means that the Supreme Court will be packed by Democratic-Rebublicans, instead of Federalists. Madison could be named Chief Justice.

Adams may or may not run in 1800. I would really like to see John Marshall, OTL Supreme Court Justice run and win.