WI: Margaret Beaufort gave birth to a daughter instead

The child has the potential to be a major heiress, with their value in the marriage market increasing as it becomes clear Margaret Beaufort will not be having further children. Though given Margaret Beaufort was so young at the time of birth, it would obviously take a while for the child to come into her full inheritance- what sort of wealth/lands would she inherit from Edmund Tudor?

The king is likely to bestow her on a favourite or relative. For maximum irony (and assuming minimal butterflies), you could have Edward IV arrange for her to marry Richard, Duke of Gloucester. Thomas Grey would also be in the right age range and was given two major heiresses IOTL.
Much more likely to be Richard rather than Thomas. Edward would much rather have the Lancastrian heiresses kept in the family.
The child has the potential to be a major heiress, with their value in the marriage market increasing as it becomes clear Margaret Beaufort will not be having further children. Though given Margaret Beaufort was so young at the time of birth, it would obviously take a while for the child to come into her full inheritance- what sort of wealth/lands would she inherit from Edmund Tudor?

The king is likely to bestow her on a favourite or relative. For maximum irony (and assuming minimal butterflies), you could have Edward IV arrange for her to marry Richard, Duke of Gloucester. Thomas Grey would also be in the right age range and was given two major heiresses IOTL.
Oh god, that irony is delicious. Or you could have her go the Anne Boleyn route and have the king at the time be obsessively in love with her...
I could be wrong, but I think I might actually have been the first person to propose this idea, or at the very least make a tree about it.

Anyways if you want female Henry (Who is likely named Margaret) to become Richard’s wife, you need to a). Keep her unmarried up until 1471 (in my head the reason for this is that Edward uses her as a tool to gain loyalty from her vassals, with her being a reward for their loyalty) and b). Kill of Anne Neville, the easiest way to do this is to have her fall pregnant with Edward of Westminster’s child, and to kill her and the child off during delivery.

Then for triple irony, if you want Richard to take the throne with Margaret as his Queen, you need to have George still get his line attainted, and hence removed from the succession. The easiest way to do this is to have Edward confiscate Anne Neville’s lands citing that there is no junior line to inherit her estates (a similar scenario occurred when her Mother inherited the Earldom of Warwick. This annoys George who eventually betrays Edward and gets himself killed and children removed from the succession. Then have Eddie kick the bucket in 1483, and boom! Queen Margaret Tudor and King Richard Plantagenet.
I want a Richard of Gloucester and female Henry Tudor TL so badly I might even write it myself...
Just try to be more realistic, than the last time someone wrote a story with a female Henry Tudor.
We don't need to read about ice zombies and the capital burned by a dragon again.
I could be wrong, but I think I might actually have been the first person to propose this idea, or at the very least make a tree about it.

Anyways if you want female Henry (Who is likely named Margaret) to become Richard’s wife, you need to a). Keep her unmarried up until 1471 (in my head the reason for this is that Edward uses her as a tool to gain loyalty from her vassals, with her being a reward for their loyalty) and b). Kill of Anne Neville, the easiest way to do this is to have her fall pregnant with Edward of Westminster’s child, and to kill her and the child off during delivery.

Then for triple irony, if you want Richard to take the throne with Margaret as his Queen, you need to have George still get his line attainted, and hence removed from the succession. The easiest way to do this is to have Edward confiscate Anne Neville’s lands citing that there is no junior line to inherit her estates (a similar scenario occurred when her Mother inherited the Earldom of Warwick. This annoys George who eventually betrays Edward and gets himself killed and children removed from the succession. Then have Eddie kick the bucket in 1483, and boom! Queen Margaret Tudor and King Richard Plantagenet.
ooh nice