So, been catching up on this timeline, been a very interesting experience on Nazi victory timeline how the world has changed, evolving and devolving in many ways into a nightmarish reality.

It's also I think one of the timelines where Mao has done exceptionally better than OTL in every way, with some of his worst excesses reduced and he's managed to become the sole head of the socialist world and take Mongolia and Taiwan.

Though, something I'm curious about is how Goldwater's going to be aggressive about Germany, I'm not saying they are invincible but he's going to face a mighty struggle against US inertia and the fear of doomsday. After decades ''Fortress'' Europe has become more of a reality with most of the easy way of undermining Germany through it's slave population no longer available because the population is dead or managed to escape into Russia, Pan Europeanism is back again ect that means he's needs to push hard enough and risk political capital of a defeat which could weaken his campaign against Germany or if to much might cause a direct war. He's got to boil the pot the right temperature.

Though on Mexico, I admit not really sure what victory would look I know people compare it the USSR invading Afghanistan but overall think it's worst than that. The border was far more entrenched, only a couple of attacks on USSR territory happened and the end the USSR could leave with their proxy holding out for years. I feel this is more like Saudi Arabia's intervention during the Sanaa wars in Yemen that it risk directly spilling over a lot on their land and if they withdraw likely get worse.
Although I do doubt how say France or Italy would actually leave with any rebellion probably seeing the Germans stepping in and further gaining control of France, while Italy has the whole Arab situation to deal with. If nothing else Brazil actually trying to entice rebellion is going to cause its own issues in the sense that the other Arab/Muslims are most likely going to become enemies of Brazil since I doubt France or Italy would ever give away their empires especially those area which were ethnically cleansed and filled with Europeans. Of course you might get a situation where North Africa remains allied to Germany while the rest of western Europe goes the Integralist route.

Even then thought trying to say integrate others into its own form of Catholic belief is going to cause some issues if the integralist succeed so who knows what happens. Of this is assuming this is what happens and not something else.
Of course you might get a situation where North Africa remains allied to Germany while the rest of western Europe goes the Integralist route.
Remember, Germany actively holocausted Maghreb Arabs.
Why would they support him?
Also Integralists arent racist.
Saadeh is Christian.
MENA may support Brazil, provided decolonisation is on Cards.
But I think the rebellion remains in Iberia, making the point moot.
Remember, Germany actively holocausted Maghreb Arabs.
Why would they support him?
I meant that Northern Africa is probably European by this point, and since most of those settlers already had a bad relations with the Arabs they would be against any attempts at integration. That is what I meant.
MENA may support Brazil, provided decolonisation is on Cards.
Considering the general history in the region and probable rise of Islamist ideology the Arabs are most likely going to do their own thing than attempt to ally with the Catholic Brazilians.
Also Integralists arent racist.
I mean that is the problem in that the Europeans will likely be against Integralists as a whole if they do push for more anti-racist movement.
But I think the rebellion remains in Iberia, making the point moot.
I mean all things considered that is the most realistic situation considering how Portugal and Brazil still have a general shared history and Spain was always its own thing.
Considering the general history in the region and probable rise of Islamist ideology the Arabs are most likely going to do their own thing than attempt to ally with the Catholic Brazilians.
Ayatollah Khomeini did call the Aitheist USSR the lesser Satan.




Chief of Staff

Secretary of State

Attorney General

Secretary of Treasure

Secretary of Agriculture

Secretary of Commerce

Secretary of Labor

Secretary of Education

Secretary of Defense

Secretary of the Interior

Postmaster General

Secretary of National Security

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Before anyone asks, yes, there is an office of Secretary of Education, it was made in order to better organize the American educational system and structure a common national curriculum under the Smith Administration.

And it is indeed that Lindbergh, what he is doing in here? Same thing as people like Walker, Rockwell, Agnew, Romney and Butz, he is a member of the Society for the Defense of Liberty and a national celebrity. Why is he a Postmaster? He had experience with air mail, or at least that's the excuse Goldwater gives, he mostly there just as part of the concessions Walker and the SDL got.

And how Eastland is Secretary of Homeland Security despite being the living incarnation of everything Goldwater despises? Because he is useful and has dirt on everyone, including Huey Long. Keeping him around is a small price to pay compared to the public spectacle that arresting Long would give to Goldwater.

And of course, with a cabinet like this one, surely the country will move forwards and not blow up into a bloody civil war, right?
Secretary of State
interesting, henry Kissinger was born in Germany and is Jewish, in our timeline he was the one who encouraged nixon to open up to moaist china, i wonder if he will do the same here, with goldwater arguing its a way to stick one up to the nazis.

its an interesting cabinet, but i'm going to guess, they go after huey and this leads to a populist party rebellion
And how Eastland is Secretary of Homeland Security despite being the living incarnation of everything Goldwater despises? Because he is useful and has dirt on everyone, including Huey Long. Keeping him around is a small price to pay compared to the public spectacle that arresting Long would give to Goldwater.

And of course, with a cabinet like this one, surely the country will move forwards and not blow up into a bloody civil war, right?
I keep misreading James Eastland as the OTL senator from Mississippi. Surely I can't be the only one.
That cabinet already looks like a walking disaster, you got racist( Butz, Walker) , corrupt official( Agnew), and OTL fascist( Rockwell, Lindbergh) in charge. Might as well let Lemay get secretary of defense instead of Patton’s son for dystopia’s sake.
Huh... Wonder if he and Goldwater would disagree on Taxation. Thought Goldwater would appoint a more Conservative guy like Donald Regan(Not Ronald Reagan but his Treasury secretary. Created Reganomics.).
Also Muskie is there.
Wonder how he feels surrounded by Rascists.
interesting, henry Kissinger was born in Germany and is Jewish, in our timeline he was the one who encouraged nixon to open up to moaist china, i wonder if he will do the same here, with goldwater arguing its a way to stick one up to the nazis.

its an interesting cabinet, but i'm going to guess, they go after huey and this leads to a populist party rebellion

Not really sure if USA bothers with China ITTL. Unlike in OTL ITTL opening ties with China is not really beneficial. And Russia wouldn't be happy. It surely one of most anti-communist nations ITTL.

But Jewish SoS is indeed intresting. Just let see what is German reaction. Probably are ranting someting Anglo-Judeo conspiracy bullshit.